wiki/ contactUs/ Administration


Just like you, the CIP administrators are only computer science students. That is why we know so much about the usual problems, but it also means that we cannot be there for you 24/7.

Primarily our job is to ensure that the system as such runs smoothly. We are in no way responsible for your tutorials. Those are strictly in the hands of your tutors.

Current CIP admins

Write us an e-mail!

You can reach all of us by sending an e-mail to

Please provide detailed information on the used software (including version, used parameters, etc.) or the hostname when reporting problems.

Email concerning door access, additional resources, and external GitLab accounts will only be accepted if sent from an FAU mail address and digitally signed by S/MIME, starting 2024-01-01.

Posted Wed 06 Dec 2023 12:57:59 PM CET