- apt-get install libldap2 ldap-utils dhcp3-server nscd gawk iputils-ping pdksh unzip alien libdb3-util libgdbm3 libx11-6 libfreetype6 libsasl2 libxt6 zlib1g gdm devscripts xkb-data-legacy xfonts-base
- Get Sun Ray Software 5 EA (srss_4.2_linux.zip) from SUN
- Extract it to a temporary working directory with unzip srss_4.2_linux.zip
- Execute the following snippet in a bash-shell:
find . -name *.i386.rpm | xargs alien -d
- Install all resulting sunw*deb-packages: dpkg -i sunw*deb
- Download and apply the following Patch: cd / && patch -p0 </path/to/sray42-debian.patch.2009-07-19 (4.0 updates from Meik Hellmund).
- Put the init-script into /etc/init.d, and run chmod 755 /etc/init.d/zsunray-init && update-rc.d zsunray-init defaults 99 01
- Now you need the correct java in /etc/opt/SUNWut/jre. Run /path/to/srss_4.2/Supplemental/Java_Runtime_Environment/Linux/jre-6u13-linux-i586.bin in /etc/opt/SUNWut/ and mv jre1.6* jre
- XKB needs a working xkbcomp in /opt/SUNWut/lib/xkb/, create the symlink with: ln -s /usr/bin/xkbcomp /opt/SUNWut/lib/xkb/
- Create the DHCP sysconfig file which is used by the Sunray Server Software: mkdir -p /etc/sysconfig; echo -e "DHCPD_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES\nDHCPD_INTERFACE" >/etc/sysconfig/dhcpd
- If you have no /etc/lsb-release file generate it on Debian with: echo "DISTRIB_ID=Debian" >/etc/lsb-release
- If you have not already configured the DHCP-server on your machine for other clients, you should empty the current config, so the Sun Ray Server Software adds its entries to a clean config and not the debian example one: mv /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf.sample; touch /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf. If you have already configured the dhcp-server, make a backup-copy of your old config, just in case.
- Create the LDAP compatibility symlinks with: rm -f /etc/opt/SUNWut/utctl.run; /etc/init.d/utsyscfg start
If /etc/opt/SUNWut/compatlinks/ is empty afterwards, you need to manually create the links with the following commands: ln -s /usr/lib/liblber-2.4.so.2 /etc/opt/SUNWut/compatlinks/liblber.so.199; ln -s /usr/lib/libldap-2.4.so.2 /etc/opt/SUNWut/compatlinks/libldap.so.199
- On a new install you can now configure the server with /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utconfig and /opt/SUNWut/sbin/utadm (see the manual).
- Edit /etc/pam.d/gdm and comment every line containing pam_sunray_hotdesk.so.1, or else you can't resume existing sessions (non smartcard hotdesking seems broken currently)
- If you have upgraded your Sunray Server Software by installing the new package versions without purging the old ones, you now have to migrate your old configuration by running cd /opt/SUNWut/sbin; ./utconfig -s silent to take advantage of the new software features. You do not need to run utadm and utconfig again.
- For dhcp to work, the utadm script should have added some lines to your /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf and restarted the dhcp-server. Example:
include "/etc/opt/SUNWut/net/dhcp/SunRay-options";
include "/etc/opt/SUNWut/net/dhcp/SunRay-interface-eth2";
If this did not happen, try a fully-fledged /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf instead: Example dhcpd.conf
- You also need to manually assign the IP-addresses in /etc/network/interfaces (If you don't want to use LAN-mode only). Example (only sunray-interconnect):
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet static
- For firmware-download to work, you need a tftp-server: apt-get install atftpd
- An /etc/gdm/gdm.conf for SunRAYs could look like this one: gdm.conf.
- Remember: After (re-)starting GDM, you also need to restart the SunRAY server software with: /etc/init.d/zsunray-init stop; /etc/init.d/zsunray-init start
- You are now ready to start the Sun Ray Server Software with: /etc/init.d/zsunray-init start
Please also have a look at