(* A sketch of a R7RS Scheme Interpreter in Standard ML * $Id: scheme.sml,v 1.42 2024/11/23 14:35:58 oj14ozun Exp $ * https://wwwcip.cs.fau.de/~oj14ozun/src+etc/scheme.sml *) datatype exp = Bool of bool (* boolean *) | Char of char (* character *) | Fixn of int (* fixnum *) | Null (* nil *) | Pair of (exp ref) * (exp ref) (* cons cell *) | Proc of (exp list * ctx) -> exp (* procedure *) | Spec of (exp list * ctx) -> exp (* special form *) | Symb of int (* symbol *) | Strg of string (* string *) | Undef (* undefined *) and ctx = Ctx of (((int * exp ref) list ref) * (ctx option)) exception Syntax of string exception Runtime of string exception EOF fun pair (a, b) = Pair (ref a, ref b) local (* poor man's hash table *) open Array val symtable = array (Char.maxOrd, ([] : (int * string) list)) val counter = ref 0 fun next () = ! counter before counter := ! counter + 1 fun hash str = let val list = map (Word.fromInt o Char.ord) (String.explode str) in Word.toInt (List.foldl Word.xorb (Word.fromInt 0) list) end fun insert (hval : int) (str : string) = let val old = sub (symtable, hval) val cnt = next () val new = (cnt, str) :: old in update (symtable, hval, new); cnt end in fun intern' str = let val hval = hash str val list = sub (symtable, hval) in (case List.find (fn (_, str') => str = str') list of SOME (n : int, _) => n | NONE => insert hval str) end fun intern str = Symb (intern' str) fun deintern (n : int) : string option = case List.find (fn (n', _) => n = n') (foldr List.@ [] symtable) of SOME (_, name) => SOME name | NONE => NONE end fun repeat (_, 0) = [] | repeat (x, n) = x :: repeat (x, n-1) local open TextIO fun read_sexp i = case (skip i Char.isSpace; lookahead i) of SOME #"(" => read_pair i | SOME #")" => (discard i; raise Syntax "Unexpected closing paren") | SOME #"#" => (case (discard i; input1 i) of SOME #"t" => Bool true | SOME #"f" => Bool false | SOME #"\\" => Char (case collect i Char.isAlphaNum of "alarm" => Char.chr 0x7 | "backspace" => Char.chr 0x8 | "delete" => Char.chr 0x7F | "escape" => Char.chr 0x1B | "newline" => Char.chr 0xA | "null" => Char.chr 0x0 | "return" => Char.chr 0xD | "space" => Char.chr 0x20 | "tab" => Char.chr 0x9 | name => (case String.explode name of [c] => c | _ => raise Runtime ("Invalid name: " ^ name))) | SOME c => unexpected c | NONE => raise EOF) | SOME #"'" => quote i "quote" | SOME #"\"" => (discard i; read_string i) | SOME c => let fun nonempty s = 0 < (String.size s) open Char fun isSym c = isGraph c andalso c <> #"(" andalso c <> #")" andalso c <> #"'" andalso c <> #"#" val neg = if c = #"-" then (discard i; true) else false val word = collect i isSym in if List.all isDigit (String.explode word) andalso nonempty word then (case Int.fromString word of SOME n => Fixn (if neg then ~ n else n) | NONE => (print ("["^word^"]"); raise Domain)) else (intern ((if neg then "-" else "") ^ word)) end | NONE => raise EOF and read_string i = let val word = ref ([] : char list) in (while (case lookahead i of SOME #"\"" => (discard i; false) | SOME c => true | NONE => raise EOF) do word := (case input1 i of SOME #"\\" => (case input1 i of SOME c => c | NONE => raise EOF) | SOME c => c | NONE => raise EOF) :: (! word); Strg (String.implode (rev (! word)))) end and read_pair i = let val pair = (ensure i #"("; read_pair' i) in ensure' i #")"; pair end and read_pair' i = case (skip i Char.isSpace; lookahead i) of SOME #")" => Null | _ => let val left = read_sexp i in case (skip i Char.isSpace; lookahead i) of SOME #"." => (discard i; pair (left, (read_sexp i))) | SOME _ => (skip i Char.isSpace; pair (left, (read_pair' i))) | NONE => raise EOF end and skip i f = while (case lookahead i of SOME c => f c | NONE => raise EOF) do discard i and collect i f = let val word = ref ([] : char list) in (while (case lookahead i of SOME c => f c | NONE => raise EOF) do case input1 i of SOME c => word := c :: (! word) | NONE => raise EOF; String.implode (rev (! word))) end and discard i = (input1 i; ()) and ensure' i c = (skip i Char.isSpace; ensure i c) and ensure i c = case input1 i of SOME c' => if c = c' then () else expected c c' | _ => raise EOF and unexpected c = raise Syntax ("Unexpected char " ^ (Char.toString c)) and expected c c' = raise Syntax ("Expected char " ^ (Char.toString c) ^ ", got " ^ (Char.toString c')) and quote i name = pair ((intern name), (pair ((discard i; read_sexp i), Null))) in fun read i = read_sexp i end local fun disp (Bool b) = if b then "#t" else "#f" | disp (Char c) = implode [#"#", #"\\", c] | disp (Fixn n) = if n >= 0 then Int.toString n else "-" ^ (Int.toString (~n)) | disp Null = "()" | disp (p as Pair _) = "(" ^ (dislist p) ^ ")" | disp (Proc _) = "[procedure]" | disp (Spec _) = "[special-form]" | disp (Symb n) = (case deintern n of SOME s => s | NONE => "[symbol " ^ (Int.toString n) ^ "]") | disp (Strg s) = "\"" ^ (String.translate (fn #"\\" => "\\" | c => Char.toString c) s) ^ "\"" | disp Undef = "[undefined]" and dislist (Pair (ref a, ref (b as Pair _))) = (disp a) ^ " " ^ (dislist b) | dislist (Pair (ref a, ref Null)) = disp a | dislist (Pair (ref a, ref b)) = (disp a) ^ " . " ^ (disp b) | dislist _ = raise Domain in fun display e = disp e end fun listify' Null = ([], NONE) | listify' (Pair (ref car, ref (cdr as Pair _))) = let val (cdr', trail) = listify' cdr in (car :: cdr', trail) end | listify' (Pair (ref car, ref Null)) = ([car], NONE) | listify' (Pair (ref car, ref cdr)) = ([car], SOME cdr) | listify' exp = ([], SOME exp) fun listify exp = case listify' exp of (l, NONE) => l | (l, SOME e) => raise Runtime ("Not a proper list: " ^ (display e)) fun eval (exp as Symb n, Ctx (env, parent)) : exp = (case (List.find (fn (n', _) => n = n') (! env), parent) of (SOME (_, v), _) => ! v | (NONE, SOME p) => eval (exp, p) | _ => raise Runtime ("Unbound symbol \"" ^ (case deintern n of SOME s => s | NONE => "???") ^"\"")) | eval (Pair (ref car, ref cdr), ctx) = (apply (eval (car, ctx), (listify cdr), ctx) handle Match => raise Runtime "Argument Mismatch") | eval (Undef, _) = raise Runtime "Evaluating undefined values" | eval (exp, _) = exp (* everything else is self-evaluating *) and apply (Proc f, args, ctx) = f (map (fn e => eval (e, ctx)) args, ctx) | apply (Spec f, args, ctx) = f (args, ctx) | apply (exp, args, _) = let val args' = String.concatWith ", " (map display args) val exp' = display exp in raise Runtime ("Cannot be apply (" ^ args' ^ ") to " ^ exp') end local fun l'identity ([a], _) = a | l'identity _ = raise Match fun l'add (args, _) = Fixn (List.foldl (fn (Fixn a, b) => a + b | _ => raise Runtime "Not a number") 0 args) fun l'mul (args, _) = Fixn (List.foldl (fn (Fixn a, b) => a * b | _ => raise Runtime "Not a number") 1 args) fun l'sub ([Fixn n], _) = Fixn (~n) | l'sub ((Fixn n)::rest, _) = Fixn (List.foldl (fn (Fixn a, b) => b - a | _ => raise Runtime "Not a number") n rest) | l'sub _ = raise Runtime "Not a number" fun l'num_equal ((Fixn n)::args, _) = Bool (List.foldl (fn (Fixn n', b) => b andalso n = n' | _ => raise Runtime "Not a number") true args) | l'num_equal _ = raise Runtime "Not a number" fun l'num_nequal ([Fixn n, Fixn m], _) = Bool (n <> m) | l'num_nequal ([_, _], _) = raise Runtime "Not a number" | l'num_nequal _ = raise Match fun make_op _ ([], _) = Bool true | make_op _ ([Fixn _], _) = Bool true | make_op f ((Fixn n :: (rest as (Fixn m :: _))), ctx) = if f (n, m) then make_op f (rest, ctx) else Bool false | make_op _ _ = raise Match fun l'display ([exp], _) = (print ((display exp) ^ "\n"); Undef) | l'display _ = raise Match fun l'if ([cond, l'then, l'else], ctx) = (case eval (cond, ctx) of Bool false => eval (l'else, ctx) | _ => eval (l'then, ctx)) | l'if _ = raise Match fun progn (elist, ctx) = List.foldl (fn (exp, _) => eval (exp, ctx)) Undef elist fun mkctx (args, params, super) = Ctx (ref (ListPair.zip (args, map ref params)), SOME super) val else_sym = intern' "else" fun l'cond (cases, ctx) = let fun test (_, SOME v : exp option) = SOME v | test (Pair (ref cond, ref body), NONE) = if ((case cond of Symb n => n = else_sym | _ => (case eval (cond, ctx) of Bool b => b | _ => true))) then SOME (progn (listify body, ctx)) else NONE | test _ = raise Runtime "Malformed cond branch" in case List.foldl test NONE cases of SOME v => v | NONE => Undef end fun mkfn (arglist, ctx, body) = let open List val (arglist, trail) = listify' arglist val args = map (fn Symb n => n | _ => raise Runtime "Non-symbol parameter") arglist val ll = foldr pair Null in Proc (fn (params, _) => let val ctx' as (Ctx (args', _)) = mkctx (args, params, ctx) in case trail of SOME (Symb n) => args' := (n, ref (ll (drop (params, length arglist)))) :: (! args') | SOME _ => raise Runtime "Non-symbol parameter" | NONE => (); progn (body, ctx') end) end fun l'begin (body, ctx) = progn (body, ctx) fun l'lambda ((arglist :: body : exp list), ctx) = mkfn (arglist, ctx, body) | l'lambda _ = raise Match fun l'let (arglist :: body, ctx) = let val arglist = listify arglist fun extr (Pair (ref (Symb n), ref (Pair (ref exp, ref Null)))) = (n, eval (exp, ctx)) | extr _ = raise Runtime "Malformed bindings" val args = map extr arglist in progn (body, (mkctx (map (fn (n, _) => n) args, map (fn (_, e) => e) args, ctx))) end | l'let _ = raise Match fun l'letstar (arglist :: body, ctx) = let val ctx' = Ctx (ref [], SOME ctx) val arglist = listify arglist fun extr (Pair (ref (Symb n), ref (Pair (ref exp, ref Null)))) = let val exp' = eval (exp, ctx') val Ctx (env, _) = ctx' in env := (n, ref exp') :: (! env); (n, exp') end | extr _ = raise Runtime "Malformed bindings" val args = map extr arglist in progn (body, (mkctx (map (fn (n, _) => n) args, map (fn (_, e) => e) args, ctx))) end | l'letstar _ = raise Match (* (define (foo bar) body) -> (define foo (lambda (bar) body)) *) fun l'define ((Pair (ref (Symb n), ref arglist)) :: body, ctx as (Ctx (binds, _))) = (binds := (n, ref (mkfn (arglist, ctx, body))) :: (! binds); Undef) | l'define ([Symb n, value], ctx as Ctx (binds, _)) = (binds := (n, ref (eval (value, ctx))) :: (! binds); Undef) | l'define _ = raise Match fun l'set ([Symb n, exp], ctx) = let fun locate (Ctx (binds, parent)) = (case List.find (fn (n', _) => n = n') (! binds) of NONE => (case parent of SOME p => locate p | NONE => NONE) | SOME (_, v) => SOME v) in case locate ctx of SOME place => (place := eval (exp, ctx); Undef) | NONE => raise Runtime "Variable not bound!" end | l'set _ = raise Match fun l'and (args, ctx) = let fun conj (exp, acc) = case acc of Bool false => acc | _ => eval (exp, ctx) in (List.foldl conj (Bool true) args) end fun l'or (args, ctx) = let fun conj (exp, acc) = case acc of Bool false => eval (exp, ctx) | _ => acc in (List.foldl conj (Bool false) args) end fun l'eq ([a, b] : exp list, _) = Bool (case (a, b) of (Bool a, Bool b) => a = b | (Char a, Char b) => a = b | (Symb a, Symb b) => a = b | (Fixn a, Fixn b) => a = b | (Null, Null) => true | _ => false) | l'eq _ = raise Match fun l'equal ([a, b] : exp list, ctx) = let fun eq (Bool a, Bool b) = a = b | eq (Char a, Char b) = a = b | eq (Symb a, Symb b) = a = b | eq (Fixn a, Fixn b) = a = b | eq (Pair (ref al, ref ar), Pair (ref bl, ref br)) = eq (al, bl) andalso eq (ar, br) | eq (Strg a, Strg b) = a = b | eq (Null, Null) = true | eq _ = false in (Bool o eq) (a, b) end | l'equal _ = raise Match fun l'apply ([f], ctx) = apply (f, [], ctx) | l'apply (f::(args as _::_), ctx) = apply (f, (case List.last args of t as Pair _ => (List.take (args, (List.length args)-1)) @ (listify t) | _ => args), ctx) | l'apply _ = raise Match fun l'setcar ([Pair (cell, _), e], ctx) = (cell := e; Undef) | l'setcar _ = raise Match fun l'setcdr ([Pair (_, cell), e], ctx) = (cell := e; Undef) | l'setcdr _ = raise Match fun l'symbol_to_string ([s as Symb _], _) = Strg (display s) | l'symbol_to_string _ = raise Match fun l'string_to_symbol ([Strg s], _) = intern s | l'string_to_symbol _ = raise Match fun l'symbol_same ((Symb a)::(rest as _::_), _) = Undef | l'symbol_same _ = raise Match fun l'make_string ([Fixn n], _) = Strg (String.implode (repeat (Char.chr 0, n))) | l'make_string ([Fixn n, Char c], _) = Strg (String.implode (repeat (c, n))) | l'make_string _ = raise Match fun l'string (chrs, _) = let fun f (Char c) = c | f _ = raise Match in Strg (String.implode (map f chrs)) end fun l'string_length ([Strg s], _) = Fixn (String.size s) | l'string_length _ = raise Match fun l'string_ref ([Strg s, Fixn n], _) = Char (String.sub (s, n)) | l'string_ref _ = raise Match (* abbreviations: *) fun proc (name, f) = (intern' name, ref (Proc f)) fun spec (name, f) = (intern' name, ref (Spec f)) fun pred (name, f) = proc (name, (fn ([a], _) => Bool (f a) | _ => raise Match)) in val builtin = Ctx (ref [proc ("identity", l'identity), proc ("+", l'add), proc ("*", l'mul), proc ("-", l'sub), proc ("=", l'num_equal), proc ("/=", l'num_nequal), proc ("<", make_op Int.<), proc (">", make_op Int.>), proc ("<=", make_op Int.<=), proc (">=", make_op Int.>=), proc ("car", (fn ([Pair (ref a, _)], _) => a | _ => raise Match)), proc ("cdr", (fn ([Pair (_, ref b)], _) => b | _ => raise Match)), proc ("cons", (fn ([a, b], _) => pair (a, b) | _ => raise Match)), proc ("display", l'display), pred ("null?", fn Null => true | _ => false), pred ("pair?", fn (Pair _) => true | _ => false), pred ("boolean?", fn (Bool _) => true | _ => false), pred ("procedure?", fn (Proc _) => true | _ => false), pred ("symbol?", fn (Symb _) => true | _ => false), pred ("string?", fn (Strg _) => true | _ => false), pred ("number?", fn (Fixn _) => true | _ => false), proc ("eq?", l'eq), proc ("eqv?", l'eq), proc ("equal?", l'equal), proc ("apply", l'apply), proc ("set-car!", l'setcar), proc ("set-cdr!", l'setcdr), proc ("symbol->string", l'symbol_to_string), proc ("string->symbol", l'string_to_symbol), proc ("symbol=?", l'symbol_same), proc ("make-string", l'make_string), proc ("string", l'string), proc ("string-length", l'string_length), proc ("string-ref", l'string_ref), spec ("quote", l'identity), spec ("if", l'if), spec ("cond", l'cond), spec ("begin", l'begin), spec ("lambda", l'lambda), spec ("let", l'let), spec ("let*", l'letstar), spec ("define", l'define), spec ("set!", l'set), spec ("and", l'and), spec ("or", l'or) ], NONE) end val stdlib = [ "(define (1- n) (- n 1))", "(define (1+ n) (+ n 1))", "(define (caar x) (car (car x)))", "(define (cadr x) (car (cdr x)))", "(define (cdar x) (cdr (car x)))", "(define (cddr x) (cdr (cdr x)))", "(define (caaar x) (car (car (car x))))", "(define (caadr x) (car (car (cdr x))))", "(define (cadar x) (car (cdr (car x))))", "(define (caddr x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))", "(define (cdaar x) (cdr (car (car x))))", "(define (cdadr x) (cdr (car (cdr x))))", "(define (cddar x) (cdr (cdr (car x))))", "(define (cdddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))", "(define (list . args) args)", "(define (list? x) (or (null? x) (and (pair? x) (list? (cdr x)))))", (* https://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html#fold *) "(define (fold kons knil lst) (if (null? lst) knil (fold kons (kons (car lst) knil) (cdr lst))))", "(define (fold-right kons knil lst) (if (null? lst) knil (kons (car lst) (fold-right kons knil (cdr lst)))))", "(define (length l) (fold (lambda (_ i) (1+ i)) 0 l))", "(define (map f l) (fold-right (lambda (e i) (cons (f e) i)) '() l))", "(define (append-map f l) (fold-right (lambda (e i) (append (f e) i)) '() l))", "(define (flatten x) (if (list? x) (append-map flatten x) (list x)))", "(define (snoc e l) (fold-right cons (list e) l))", "(define (reverse l) (fold cons '() l))", "(define (append . l) (fold-right (lambda (l e) (fold-right cons e l)) '() l))", "(define (count p? l) (fold (lambda (e i) (if (p? e) (1+ i) i)) 0 l))", (* https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Ackermann_function#Scheme *) "(define (ack m n) (cond ((= m 0) (+ n 1)) ((= n 0) (ack (- m 1) 1)) (else (ack (- m 1) (ack m (- n 1))))))" ] fun repl () = let open TextIO open CommandLine val ctx = Ctx (ref [], SOME builtin) fun slurp i = ((while true do eval (read i, ctx)) handle EOF => (); closeIn i) fun rep () = (print "> "; let val e = display (eval (read TextIO.stdIn, ctx)) in output (stdOut, e ^ "\n") end) fun loop () = (rep () handle Runtime msg => print ("Runtime error: " ^ msg ^ "\n") | Syntax msg => print ("Syntax error: " ^ msg ^ "\n"); if endOfStream stdIn then () else loop ()) in (slurp (TextIO.openString (String.concat stdlib)); List.app (slurp o openIn) (arguments ()); loop () handle EOF => ()) end val () = repl () (* Local Variables: *) (* indent-tabs-mode: nil *) (* End: *)