Johannes Schlumberger
Student Publications
Study Projects
Publications on Study Projects
- Praxisbeispiel MiFare - Slides to a lecture given by me in Systemsicherheit, dealing with the MiFare exploits
- SNS-Kurzvortrag - Some slides briefly describing the project I worked on during SNS
- Sicherheitslücken - Slides to a report given by me in AKSS, dealing with exploits and vulnerabilities
- Virtualisierungstheorie - Slides to a report given by me in virME and again in KvBK, dealing with virtualization theory
- virME-Ausarbeitung - ... and the corresponding outline
- Xen - Slides to a report given by me in KvBK titled "Xen"
- Xen-Ausarbeitung - The corresponding outline to the Xen-report
- Suchen und Sortieren - Slides to a report given by me in "Hauptseminar Hallo Welt!" titled "Sorting and Searching"
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Last modified: 10/25/2023 14:35:37 PST spjsschl